Tag: pancakes

Healthy Paleo Smoked Paprika Chicken and Waffles

Healthy Paleo Smoked Paprika Chicken and Waffles

I love trying new things. That could be new coffee shops, exploring new towns, finding a new hike, or trying new products. It was that time of day last week, when Whole Foods had their daily samples set out among the store. Those eager and 

How to Make Aebleskivers (Danish Pancakes!)

How to Make Aebleskivers (Danish Pancakes!)

Everyone say it with me! Aebleskiver! Aebleskiver…? (pronouned: A-ble-shhhhhh-kiver) So so fun to say. So SO fun to make. And freakin’ delicious to eat. No, not Paleo at all.  Yes, contains flour, sugar and butter. And yes, I’m eating them because they’re so rewarding to 

Lemon Chia Cake Batter Protein Pancakes

Lemon Chia Cake Batter Protein Pancakes

I’ve been tracking all of my calories lately. Tracking my macro nutrients and calories is a great way to make sure none of that unwanted holiday weight appears and helps make sure you’re eating enough to burn fat and add muscle… or at least it helps