National Kale Day & 10 Fresh Recipes

Posted byLori Posted onOctober 1, 2014 Comments0




Happy National Kale Day!

In the spirit of the deliciously green, crispy and fresh, leafy veggie, here are a few wonderful kale recipes to get you in the National Kale Day mood… mostly because everyday should be Kale Day!

I realize that not everyone enjoys a big bowl of kale BUT(!) I believe that is due to the fact that they haven’t had kale prepared properly. When done right, kale can be outrageously delicious. With it’s ability to have varying textures and flavors, the possibilities are endless for the powerfully nutritious food.

I mean, what other veggie is outright incredible as a feature to salads, green juices, chips, smoothies, sauces…? Well, probably a lot but hopefully a few of these recipes you’ll try, and love, and encourage a more kale-rific life! 😉

Minty Grapefruit Green Juice

Strawberry Cayenne Breakfast Smoothie

Raw & Basic Kale Salad

Raw and Fried Tuscan Kale and Brussels Sprout Salad

Mango-Taken Kale Salad

Crispy Kale with Lemon-Yogurt Dip


Potato, Kale, and Fennel Hash

Curried Kale with Coconut

(Beach Body) Paleo Portuguese Kale Soup

Homemade Green Chorizo Tacos with Kale & Potatoes
What are your favorite ways to celebrate kale? Recipes accepted below!


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